Jamie Lenman - King of Clubs
Jamie Lenman is back with King of Clubs - a brand new mini-album of original material This is a record returning Jamie back to his roots as a songwriter, allowing him to push his creative mind.
Working again with producer Space (Idles, Black Futures), the pair came up with a word, ‘neisty’, to guide them as to how it should sound - Jamie says "A perfect mixture of nasty and nice. I see this record as the closing chapter in a very creative and enjoyable period working with Space – the last piece in a very loose trilogy with 'Devolver' and 'Shuffle' before it, white red and black.
It’s the angriest and most political record I’ve made since Muscle Memory, a painful place to be. I wouldn’t have wanted to make a full album like this, I think it would have been too much."
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